RHEMA In Action

All around the world

– The Lord Spoke to me and Said “the manual will go all around the world.”

A Christ-Like Mind

While worshiping at a night meeting before the children went back to school – the children were asked to place one hand on their heart and the other on their forehead and we all began to sing. I would ask them “How do you feel?” One said she wanted to cry while others felt tingling in their hearts. When the children started school, one day a girl told me she was going to get an ‘F’ on a test. I told her “It’s impossible to get an F when the Holy Spirit is Speaking to you and you are acknowledging Him, because you have a Christ-like mind.” The next night that little girl came up to me and said “I got an ‘A’ on the test and an ‘A’ on another test.”

Miracles from the Romanian Rhema Manual translator 

– These days happened a lot of miracles!!!
I prayed for an exam, and the Lord told me the topics without me asking for it and when I was in class, I saw a light on a certain paper, and I thought someone else will take it but they didn’t. I took it, and there was the topic Lord Jesus told me about.

After that, some days ago I was translating something about provision and not to owe something to this world. I was thinking at my parents, we didn’t pay some debts for 3 months, and we were late, so I was thinking at this book, and I said something like, “yeah sure, but how can it be so easy”?
I didn’t even pray about it, I didn’t think it was possible, and the next day my mom called me and told me that my father received some extra money on his salary, the amount was exactly how much we needed for the bills. I told my mom about the book, and what I thought, she was amazed. There is power in the miracle Blood of Lord Jesus.

We landed Saturday and started to go to church on Sunday. Our car broke down and a person came to pick us up. He had just received 30,000 Bibles the day before. When we were standing in front of the Bibles, the Lord Told me to get on my knees, then the Lord Spoke and Said: “Put a Rhema manual with each Bible because they trust the Bible and the manual will guide them to receive and walk in Heaven on earth”. The same person had a family member that started immediately to translate the manual in Romanian and this is what she sent me:

‘What happened with me after reading and translating those pages, is that I had peace I could not understand and for the first time I just felt God was really there when I prayed, close to me. For me this is amazing’.

And her friend that translated some of the manual wrote:
“Hello, I’m Lisa, Monica’s roommate. This book is important to me, I also lived some personal miracles through the Miracle Blood of Lord Jesus Christ, even writing this book. After Monica send you the first 19 pages, she went out and I stayed to translate ahead, because I like very much the testimonies. I prayed before translating the book and I saw it gave me a peace that surpasses all understanding. I believe in the miracle power of Holy Spirit. I started to translate the next part of the testimonies and after 9 pages translating, I saved the document. I went to eat and I came back. I was looking for my document on the desktop and it wasn’t there. I tried to recover it in all possible ways because it was important to me, I even cried. I asked the Lord to help me find them and I felt in my heart an answer “Trust in Me”. I thought, God how can I trust You when I see no results?

I didn’t give up, but started to translate again (from page 20 where the testimonies start). I was overwhelmed over and over again, I even cried when I relived all those testimonies again. I stopped some times and I prayed because I felt myself unworthy to write Holy Spirits words, and when I started to translate again I felt a great peace in my soul. I was thinking about how great is our God and I stopped, saying “God, You know I’m in a lack of time, and You know I still trust You can save me, only You can save me.” I understood from this book: ‘You can provide for us and You can help us if we are sincere.’ Thinking at these things, I said “there is no one who can save me, just You God” and I don’t know how, something happened, and the miracle materialized, my document came back. I was overwhelmed.

I experienced some similar things in my life, like those in your testimonies, and I remembered how God saved me as well and put me in His Heaven on earth.

Togo Africa

One man took the Rhema manual into the bush with him and started to ‘drink the Miracle Blood of Lord Jesus’ with his heart, and he committed his mind, his heart and his body to the Miracle Blood of Lord Jesus. He was reading the manual until he fell asleep at some point. When he woke up, he saw that a snake had bit him, but he also saw the snake lying dead behind him and he did not feel anything. The man is still alive and never went to the hospital.

Spanish translation

I had a dream I was sitting in my room translating the RHEMA manual, when a white Entity stood behind me and I felt it, and it felt good. Also, when I was sitting in the back of my car one day, I asked God, “why me?” and He Replied, “you’ll see”. The Lord Spoke to me today and again, I asked Him “why me?” and He Said, “because you are my LADY”. This, I feel, has changed my life. I grew up Catholic, and I never thought God would ever talk to me. It is beautiful.

From the Korean translator

Since I began translating the Open Heaven Rhema Manual in Korean in Mid-December, my focus on the Miracle Blood of Lord Jesus became more in-depth and the heartfelt thanksgiving to the Lord for His Blood got deeper. My longing for intimate communion with Christ was growing ever more each day. The Holy Spirit Led me to read and meditate the Book of Hebrews several times as I continued this translation. And I kept proclaiming the excellence of His love and the Power of His Miracle Blood over my life and family.

On December 22, 2016 I was coming back home from town in the afternoon. It was a rather narrow two lane curvy road on the hilly part of countryside, and an oncoming car was driving down very fast toward me on my lane. I had to make a real quick decision either to swerve to the right or to the left to avoid the head on collision. I knew if his car had hit mine with that speed, I wouldn’t have had a chance to survive. I believe it was the Holy Spirit who intervened at that moment and helped me to swerve to the left to fall into a ditch and my car stopped there. The guy who literally ditched me from my lane never stopped and took away. This whole thing happened within a minute or two. My whole body was shaking uncontrollably in shock, but I was Miraculously Protected and kept alive without any bruise, cut or hit. But the front bumper and the radiator fan of my car were completely busted and the whole engine part was pushed back more than three inches.

My husband and 911 came soon after this accident and told me that it was a best decision for me to have turned left to the ditch in that situation. I continued covering myself with the Miracle Blood of Lord Jesus in thanksgiving. When I came home after sending 911 away, the Holy Spirit nudged me to take a bath with a certain kind of herb that I had grown in our garden, so I did, praying for the Miracle Blood of Lord Jesus to flow within my body. After that I slept like a baby all through the night and there was not even a hint of pain in me because of that accident. Later our kind Lord Jesus Led me to pray for that driver who caused this accident. God is good! His Miracle Blood is enough and all. While the car was being fixed, I was able to concentrate on the work at home for translating this book which the Lord assigned to me. Praise God!!!

Rhema “Application” School

In July 2015 Holy Spirit Spoke to me and Said: “I want you to build a Rhema School”. For the last year Holy Spirit had been down loading me with Heavenly insight, wisdom and knowledge to be inside of Heaven on earth while being on the earth. There is free cleanliness through the Miracle Blood and Flesh of Lord Jesus, receiving the Miracle Knowledge and Wisdom of Holy Spirit, watching and receiving the cry of my heart and the intimacy of Miracle Provision.

My explanation: Whenever I am right before Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus’ Will and Lord Jesus’ Ways, I hear and I desire from my heart without putting my mind into it. I watch receiving Protection, Provision and Deliverance from pain and Deliverance from other things I could not get rid of myself. It just disappears. Then I am in: ‘be still and know I Am God’.

Holy Spirit Implied to me and Said

I want you to spend your time in completing the RHEMA School, the website and the Worship Center”. Then I implied as a statement in myself that I will be moving out of the company that You had me to build, so I said: “I will leave but would you put an exact amount of dollars in my bank account so I will not have to look at the company and take out time from completing what You Ask me”.

That Friday a purchase order came in, Monday another purchase order came in and Tuesday another purchase order. The requested money came into the bank account, all bills were paid and we were and still are completely free to move as Holy Spirit Tells or Implies us to do.

My knowing: I know what Holy Spirit Implied to me and I know what I implied to Holy Spirit. I know that it is written: ‘I Equip the saints’. My revelation of this verse is: to be a saint you have to be dead, so when I consciously and subconsciously put it all into the Trinity’s Hands, then Holy Spirit uses the world as a foot stool for His Purposes. Then I am living in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Vision of Revival in Mojave

On March 22, 2013 five years ago we were worshiping in our living room. I saw the Heavens Open up above me and I saw the ‘Dwelling Place Open Heaven Worship Center’. A whirlwind came down on top of the center. Then the whirlwind went around once and it took up the shopping center, then it went around again and it took up the town of Mojave, then again it went around and it took up the six cities around Mojave, then Heavens closed up again.

My Knowing: There will be a Revival and the Worship Center will be in the center of God’s Doing. It will affect the 6 cities around us in Transforming God’s people God’s Way.

May 2016, We were going to Togo Africa

And the Lord Spoke to me and Said: “the Rhema Manual will go all around the world”.

In Togo Africa

The Lord Spoke to me and Told me to have a meeting from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am on Pentecost night. We did and Holy Spirit Came down with His Brilliant Glorious Presence at around 2.30am when most people were dozing and sleepy. I saw literally Pentecost fall on women and men in the church one at a time and no one was praying or laying hands on them, they were being Delivered and Transformed and we sang all night long while pulling down Heaven around us and inside of us worshipping and worshipping.

In Holland

I decided not to go to church, then Holy Spirit Spoke to me and Said: “you spear head the project”. Then I knew I have a straight and narrow path that I must walk and I cannot go to another or make another path. Then I knew I needed to go and present the manual to them, so I did. While being there, I was going out of the door and two waves came over me and again I knew I became deeper and higher in ‘be still and know I Am God’ than ever before.

2015: Lord Jesus Blood

While I was worshiping suddenly the Lord Showed me a wave of His Blood Flowing over the earth and He Said: “I Am bringing a new wave of Knowledge of the Power of My Blood over the earth. And that is still only a fraction of the Power that is in My Blood”. But the wave that I saw rolling was more than we have ever experienced, it Covered all. It was not about revival, but about a deeper knowledge of walking in and knowing the Power of Lord Jesus’ Miracle Blood.

October 2015

When I was editing the RHEMA manual I started to rephrase some of the sentences, and suddenly I sensed the Presence of the Lord Being on the other side of the desk where I was working and He Spoke and Said: “Touch it as little as possible, because the manual is Mine”. I backed off immediately and changed as little as possible to keep it as original as possible.

Dwelling Place Open Heaven Worship Center & Open Heaven RHEMA Application School