Open Heaven RHEMA Application School

Open Heaven RHEMA Application School Enrollment

If you want All of God, then move ahead!
Step 1 - Read the ‘Purpose of RHEMA’ and know what the Open Heaven RHEMA Application School is all about. 
Step 2 - Look at the course schedule and plan the course into your daily routine before you begin the course at your intended start date.
Step 3 - Download all manuals and workbooks from this page and fill out your Revelations and Convictions from Holy Spirit in the documents.
Step 4 - After you complete a document, submit your document through the Upload Form button to Open Heaven RHEMA Application School for feedback.
After all of the course is successfully completed, you will receive a certificate of completion.

Who is God, Who is Holy Spirit, Who is Lord Jesus?

Thinking, reading, your gods and your sins gave you your problems and got you right where you are at.

But then Lord Jesus Came to set the captive Free with His Miracle Blood and Holy Spirit’s Voice.

God is of Solutions and for us to be Victorious and more than a Conqueror in ALL things.

Who is God
Who is Holy Spirit
Who is Lord Jesus?

Thinking, reading, your gods and your sins gave you your problems and got you right where you are at.

But then Lord Jesus Came to set the captive Free with His Miracle Blood and Holy Spirit’s Voice.

God is of Solutions and for us to be Victorious and more than a Conqueror in ALL things.


Worship is our heart connection with God.
It is our God Given tool to express our being and connect with Him.

It Purifies us because of the Blood of Lord Jesus and lifts us into the realm where God is and where He Reveals Himself to us.

Then our eyes come off of ourselves and we receive Transformation.


From existing, self-preservation and having lack in some ways to be living in Miracle Provision by receiving Miracle Provision from God Himself through Holy Spirit


Hearing God’s Voice that Produces Faith with Results

You Want Change? You Get Change!

Lord Jesus Paid for His Outcome for your life, your Destiny and Eternal Life!
We must do our part and give ourselves into Christ’s Victories.
Then hear, obey, do and receive being ‘Victorious and more than a Conqueror’.

Open Heaven RHEMA Application Overview

The Open Heaven RHEMA Application Overview contains mostly the first 12 pages of the Open Heaven RHEMA Application Manual and is a very good start to applying RHEMA principles in your life in being a Christ disciple.

Open Heaven RHEMA Application Manual

When the Lord Spoke to me to build a RHEMA School, He Downloaded all the Revelations in the Open Heaven RHEMA Application Manual to me. Every morning for about 2 years I would get up about 4, 5 am and started typing. These pieces of Insight the Lord Gave were put in order and together created this manual and other manuals that together forms the Open Heaven RHEMA Application School. The manual is an introduction to Open Heaven RHEMA Application.

Open Heaven RHEMA Application Manual Workbook Level 7, Level 6, Level 5, Level 4, Level 3

Start with Level 7 workbook, work down to Level 3 and go back up to Level 7 to see where you really want to be in your relationship with Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit. Get Transformed to experience deeper ‘walking in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth’.
Level 7 - Living from Heaven, you know that you Know. Receiving Awareness and Knowing into and from Heaven Eternal, Knowing of Lord Jesus’ Spiritual Realm into Physical Miracles with the result of being in God’s Perspectives -

Level 6 - Awareness and Knowing it is LORD JESUS’ DOING, Faith is Holy Spirit Initiated then self-embraced. Knowing that you are walking in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and Receiving. This is a Workbook to Receive and Know Lord Jesus’ Parables and Verses -

Level 5 - Reality of Living Miracles, Yielding to God’s Speaking Words through you, ‘Seek My Heart and Face first and All other will be Given to you My Way’ -

Level 4, Heart Awareness, God Answers the heart - Know Holy Spirit’s Connection with you through the Miracle Blood and Flesh of Lord Jesus.

Level 3, Inward Awareness, desiring to walk with Lord Jesus. How do I get out of the mess I got myself into – This is ‘believing’ that can only come from your mind, the mind must be Renewed and Transformed.

Open Heaven RHEMA Bible Individuals

God brought Results in the past, then He will also Do the same for you and me.

Read and see the attributes that God was Pleased with of individuals in the Bible and that can also be in you, then receive this same in depth Relationship and Miracles from God.

New Testament Gospels Open Heaven RHEMA Application Version

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. (John 1:1)

For the Word of God is Living and Powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Heb 4:12)

The Gospels with the Words of Lord Jesus in red and all else omitted will give you a fresh, objective position to receive Spiritual Enlightenment of what Holy Spirit Desires to Reveal to you. Read Lord Jesus’ Words from your heart, understand and receive God’s Nature and live in it. You will be Transformed into the Heart and Mind of God, receiving God’s Results of God’s Kingdom of Heaven on earth for God’s children. Be eligible to hear Holy Spirit’s Voice, still small Voice or Implication. Then write it down precisely, just still and clear and not from your own thinking. God’s Words will Live inside you, Empower you and then it Materializes through living.

When Holy Spirit Gives you Revelation and you would like to share this with us and the website, you can send your Revelations to us through the Submit Workbook / Log In / Upload File option on this website.

Old Testament Open Heaven RHEMA Application Version

I Genesis – Ruth God Leading His people

1 Samuel – Job The time of the kings

Isaiah - Malachi
The Prophets

God is not a respecter of persons. If God is Pleased with us as He was Pleased with His people in the Old Testament while they were embracing God how God Wanted them to embrace Him, then we will receive a Relationship from God and receive miracles as they did. God always delivered, protected and provided for them when they were pleasing to Him. The selected verses of the Old Testament that you find in these manuals, reflect God’s Heart of what He is Pleased with and the Relationship that He had with His people and His people had with Him. Receive revelations for yourself of relationship that God has Desired with His people and that He Desires with you and with anybody that desires to know Him. When you are right before Him, Miracles unfold as in the Old Testament. Just by being a disciple of Christ, you are eligible to receive Revelation from Holy Spirit as Lord Jesus Says: “I Am in you and you are in Me”.