Being in God’s Presence

Open Heaven RHEMA Application School

RHEMA is God’s Speaking Words: God Spoke the world into existence (God SPOKE and there was Light).
The Open Heaven RHEMA Application School will guide you and point you to the tools God Provided for us to move into a deeper relationship with Holy Spirit and be able to hear His Voice.
The Lord Spoke to me in July 2013 to build a RHEMA School and started to download lots of material that compiled formed the Open Heaven RHEMA Application School and is made available on this website.

Dwelling Place Open Heaven Worship Center

Worship Center: The Lord Spoke to me to lift Him up to the highest possible, in the manual and in the songbook. The songbook goes hand in hand with the manual and well-known songs and lyrics are made personal to desire to be with God face to Face and to be Victorious in our relationship with Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit. We don’t sing ‘The Lord He Gave His Life for us’. No, we would sing ‘Lord, You Gave Your Life for me’. It works!

Testimonies and Revelations

Open Heaven RHEMA is alive and standard for God’s people to walk in. You can read the Testimonies and Revelations section and it will inspire you to receive Holy Spirit's Voice and Miracles in your own life. You will have your own Testimonies and Revelations and will get more than what you already have in your relationship with the Lord.

Did you think of this?

Some pearls, Insights and Revelations Holy Spirit Gave and that you can use in your own life to help you along in this life’s journey on Holy Spirit’s road. As Lord Jesus Says: “I Am The Way”. Nuggets and spiritual insights are meant for you to be Victorious and to inspire your own relationship with Lord Jesus, because we all are meant to have an active relationship with Holy Spirit and Receive our own Revelations. Lord Jesus Says: Holy Spirit will Teach you all things!

Open Heaven RHEMA Rehabilitation

The physical rehabilitation centers are in the works but the guidelines available on this website will give you the outline of what you can do in your life to make the right decisions in daily situations we are confronted with.

Foreign Languages

To move into the vision God Gave to me when He Spoke: “The manual will go all over the world”, the manual has been translated in different languages to be found in the navigation bar under Foreign Languages.
The Lord specifically Spoke to me that He wanted the manual translated in Arabic.

Also: go to ‘Translate»’ (right top) and click on the flag that represents the country of your language. All of the website will be translated in your language, however, you will have to use a separate application to translate the downloaded documents for the school if needed, because downloaded word documents will still be in English.

Open Heaven RHEMA Application Purpose

Open Heaven RHEMA is:

Hearing the Voice of Lord Jesus, the Voice of Holy Spirit through the Blood of Lord Jesus and receiving Transformation, Miracles and the Freedom of God. Freedom from our burdens, sins, bondages, all because God Sets us Free through the Blood of Lord Jesus. Holy Spirit Speaks Transformation of our earthly realm into being Victorious and more than a Conqueror.