Heaven on earth

The Kingdom of Heaven on earth

– God’s Kingdom of Heaven is on this earth, it is a different Kingdom than this earth kingdom.

That means there are two kingdoms that exist next to each other at the same time.

God’s Kingdom through the Miracle Blood of Lord Jesus is the Kingdom that Prevails and that is always stronger the moment that we go into the Miracle Blood of Lord Jesus and yield to God’s Ways and His Will. When God Speaks, we receive Faith and immediately there is no darkness to be found any more while everything lines up to what God Spoke, darkness just dissolves.

Like you turn on the light switch in a dark room. The room will be light and darkness is gone. Us seeing the Truth of Holy Spirit Control turns on that Light.

You cannot say: “It is all good, or, it will all be ok”. To say ‘it is all good’ is trying to mix these two kingdoms and it does not work. God Says: no gods before Me! Many times it is compromise to God’s Perfect Ways and Jesus Saying, “There is no defeat in me”, caused by our lack of determination for Holy Ghost Ways or our lukewarmness.

The Kingdom of Heaven

Do I want God’s Kingdom that is ON this earth or do I want what is OF this earth. These are two opposites.

God has under the curse which is OF this earth and Gives Provision to which is ON this earth inside His Kingdom.

Desire to be in Heaven on earth

Question to ask:

How deep do I want to go into Heaven on earth and 

How much more do I want to KNOW and BE IN Heaven on earth.

Lord Jesus: the Way, the Truth and the Life

The Bible can be the way to find JESUS THE WAY

Holy Spirit always Points to JESUS THE TRUTH

Real Life is only in JESUS THE LIFE

True Life gives MIRACLE LIFE



Victory in Heaven on earth

The Miracle Blood and Flesh of Lord Jesus and the Presence of Holy Spirit is with you at this time as a true child of God. When you receive Holy Spirit’s Will and Ways for you, you are occupied today in Lord Jesus in the Person of Holy Spirit. That means that IF and WHEN Lord Jesus would Come back in a future event, you have been connected all along in Lord Jesus’ Kingdom because you received sensitivity to Hear, desired to obey and received all that Holy Spirit had for you to do and to obtain. You are already full. So why would you be looking for the future for Jesus Coming back. You look at the future when you lack hearing the Voice of the Lord today, you lack the desire to obey, and you lack Results of Lord Jesus’ Kingdom of Heaven on earth TODAY. That is the consequence of putting your life on earthly things. Set your mind on the Miracle Blood and Flesh of Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit and watch your Miracle future come to pass.

Also: Know from your heart about the rapture or the so called ‘Jesus Coming back soon’ theology. What is important, is to walk in the Fullness and Victory of what Lord Jesus Made Available for us to walk in today and walk out what Lord Jesus Purchased and Made Accessible to us when He Gave His Life and His Miracle Blood and Flesh on the Cross.

Waiting for the Return of Christ

If you believe your purpose in life is waiting for Lord Jesus Christ to Come back, then you very easily accept present conditions and miss the Victories and Purposes Lord Jesus Paid the Full Price for and Made Available to us. We need to enter and obtain His Kingdom of Heaven on earth by Holy Spirit Force.

If you are a child of God and you have truly invited and accepted Christ into your life, then you have already been changed in the twinkling of an eye to be a child of God in His Presence, gone from death into Life being connected into the Heaven Realm and Christ already Lives inside of you and all Victory Lord Jesus Paid the Full Price for is yours.

Heaven on earth is for now!

Results – Holy Spirit Speaks to you inside your heart in the form of Conviction, right and wrong and His Voice Speaking Life and Direction to you while walking it out Victoriously.

You might be afraid of getting off the controlled throne in your life if following things are in your life:

  1. What you watch on TV and the reasons.
  2. What music you listen to and the reasons.
  3. What books you read and why. If you read them.
  4. Attitudes in your heart.
  5. Clothes you wear and the reasons.
  6. Food you eat and why.
  7. What else you put in your body, like fast foods, drinks, medication / drugs, lust (if you think it, you did it)

Instead look at:

  1. Like the time you have on your hands. What do you do with it?
  • Get yourself right before the Lord (honestly repenting).
  • Wait upon His Voice of how He Sees you and your direction in life.
  • Be gentle and loving to your spouse and children.
  • Do things with them and for them.
  • Take care of your portion of the load in the home every day.
  1. How to take care of His temple (your body). Exercise.

If you give all these things to Christ and hear His Conviction and Direction and do it, you will enjoy living here in His Kingdom in Heaven on earth with Him inside of you, receiving His Protection, His Provision and waiting for your Eternal entrance into Heaven.

Two Kingdoms simultaneously on earth
  • God Came down to earth 2,000 years ago to Bring back and Make Accessible for us His invisible but REAL KINGDOM on the earth and He Did it through His Son, Lord Jesus Christ Who Paid the Full Price for death. Life more abundant, living in the Kingdom of God that is Heaven on earth, and receiving Miracles daily.

In the Lord’s Prayer in the Bible, Lord Jesus Gives us:

Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done on earth as it Is in Heaven and this Kingdom was Paid for by LORD JESUS’ BLOOD for ME and YOU. And Jesus Invites us to live inside His Kingdom today and every moment.

  • Then earth kingdom – is of the earth and most people live in it today. Look around, there is hardship, burdens, bondage, men’s ideas and that is why you are looking at this sheet. There is no life, just what you think you made and you call it your life and then ultimately, death.
This is for us

If you really want or need your life to be better, then keep reading. 


Believe me, my wife and I live in it. 


JUST ASK FROM YOUR HEART: Your Blood Lord Jesus and receive His Blood.

And receive …..

  • The Lord’s Heart Desires to Give Life. Open your heart for His Life and let it flow.
    Miracles will start being put together because Lord Jesus SAID, “I Answer the heart”
  • Protection – When you have received this Peace that is in His Kingdom, the other kingdom cannot enter. Do not give to the other kingdom, or it has the right to come against you and take from you, you gave it the right.
  • Provision – The Lord will Make a way for your body to stay alive in His Kingdom in His Direction. Maintain your body as you feel He Wants you to. The Lord will Imply a Miracle to Guide you and HE will Do the Miracles for the rest. The Lord does not Provide for kingdoms outside of His Kingdom. That would be like giving guns and bullets to your enemy.
  • The Lord Receives in His Kingdom a heart wanting Spirit and Truth.
Spirit and Truth

Religion can be up for debate, but the: 

Kingdom of God Was and Is Established 2000 years ago by Lord Jesus Christ in Spirit &Truth.

It exists in Miracles that are yours when Entering in and ‘Just Receiving’.

Spirit and Truth is what Lord Jesus Paid for us to receive (It Is Finished)

Spirit- is the Conviction and Direction of Hearing Holy Spirit.

Truth- is the Results of Conviction, Direction and Action from Holy Spirit in Protection, Provision and Miracles.

Dwelling Place Open Heaven Worship Center & Open Heaven RHEMA Application School