Worship – 17

I keep falling in love with You, falling in love with You over and over again
I keep falling in love with You, falling in love with You over and over again
It gets deeper and deeper as the days go by - sweeter and sweeter
O what love between my Lord and i
I keep falling in love with You, over and over and over and over again

Lord, the Light of Your Love is Shining
In the midst of the darkness, Shining
Jesus, Light of the world, Shine upon me
Set me Free by the Truth You now bring me

Shine on me, Shine on me.
Shine, Jesus, Shine
Fill this land with the Father's Glory
Blaze, Spirit, Blaze
Set my heart on fire
Flow, river, Flow
Flood the nations with Your Blood and Truth
Send forth Your Word
Lord, and let there be Light!

Lord, I come to Your awesome Presence
From the shadows into Your Radiance
By Your Blood I may enter Your Brightness
Search me, Try me, Consume all my darkness
Shine on me, Shine on me
Shine, Jesus, Shine …………
As I gaze on Your Kingly Brightness
Let my life live in Your likeness
Ever changing from glory to Glory
Mirrored here may my life tell Your Story
Shine on me, Shine on me

Shine, Jesus, Shine …………

Jesus in Heaven how I love You
I lift Your Presence in my heart
Let Your Kingdom be Established on my worship
As You Come and Do Your Mighty Works

Sovereign are You Lord Jesus Almighty Who Was and Is and Is here now
Sovereign are You Lord Jesus Almighty
You Reign forevermore

Holy is Your Will oh Lord
You are worthy to be worshipped and obeyed                            - adored
So I lift my heart and voice in one accord
Singing Holy is Your Will Lord, Holy is Your Will Lord, Holy is Your Will, oh Lord

Varieties: - I worship in Your Presence, oh Lord
- Holy is Your Blood oh Lord
- Holy is Your Spirit oh Lord
- Holy is Your Heart oh Lord
- I trust in Your Blood oh Lord
- I am grateful for Your Blood oh Lord
- You Cover the earth with Your Blood
- You Transform Mojave in Your Blood
- You Transform America in Your Blood
- You Forgive me in Your Blood oh Lord
- You Give me Life in Your Blood oh Lord
- I adore Your Presence in Your Blood
- You Transform my life in Your Blood
- I have Victory in Your Blood oh Lord
- You Transform my mind oh Lord -my heart
- I have Freedom in Your Blood oh Lord

Liberating is Your Will oh Lord
You are Sovereign to be received and obeyed
So I lift my heart and voice in one accord
I have Freedom in Your Blood Lord …..

Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy are You Lord, God Almighty
Sovereign to Receive Glory
Sovereign to Receive worship
Sovereign to Receive all my worship today
I worship You, I worship and lift You up
I worship You, exalt Your Presence forever