
Provision for all Healing

 – Lord Jesus already Provided everything needed with HIS BLOOD.

When we ask Him to the point of being connected with Him, it activates all Treasures, Victory and Health that is in His Blood.

It will come full of Life and Strength for you!

We can do nothing, only ASK and try to line up with what the Holy Spirit wants to Do in our lives.

Is your Healing important enough to you to reach deeper and deeper to Him with a desperate heart?

The Lord is very close to the broken hearted.

And the Lord Gave you the exact amount of Strength and Faith to be able to reach out to Him.

Going in Deeper

Go in the ‘deeper and deeper’ concept for your Healing.

When I have a physical problem and ask Lord Jesus to Heal me and He does not, then I know I have to go deeper into His Miracle Blood to be deeper in His Presence to the level where I will find my Healing because it is a fact that Lord Jesus Heals!

I just have to move into His Presence to the depth where He Wants me to be for that moment in time.

The Miracle Blood of Lord Jesus

Visualize the Miracle Blood of Lord Jesus coming into your mind, Cleansing thoughts that hurt you and Give you Life instead.

Ask the Miracle Blood of Lord Jesus to Come into your heart, Healing hardships and pain and Give you Peace and Direction.

Lord Jesus Desires to enter your life deeper and Set you Free.

Put your hand on your forehead and say: “Your Miracle Blood Lord Jesus in my mind”. Repeat this several times.

Put your hand on your heart and say: “Your Miracle Blood Lord Jesus in my heart”. Repeat this several times.

Notice that your problem thoughts have stopped and Peace and Holy Spirit have Come over you and you are being Miracle Transformed on the spot.


God in the Flesh ‘Lord Jesus’ made a Way on the cross for us to receive Forgiveness. When we do not experience and receive this Forgiveness in the Miracle Blood of Lord Jesus, we cannot truly forgive.

We don’t have it in us to honestly face whatever hurt us with forgiveness in our heart.

At best, we can forget. It is like ‘having a log in our eye’ when we have not received this Forgiveness and are not being set Free, all we can see is sinful nature.

But Lord Jesus’ Miracle Blood will Miraculously Set us Free and Do the remaining inside of us of who we need to forgive. You call this Healing.

If there is someone you need to forgive and you can’t, or you don’t want to, or it does not work after you have done it: put the person or situation in the Miracle Blood of Lord Jesus, turn around and walk away from it and see if you are Free.

If it does not work, say: “Lord Jesus destroy this person through Your Miracle Blood and resurrect him / her as a child of Yours, but please Do it first to me before You Do it to them”. If you could have forgiven them yourself, you would have.

Not my way but Your Way Lord
    I am on the verge of unbelieve and giving it up. I am at a dead end with the problem and can not go any further.
    Be still and know that I Am God. He Gives you a dream or His Peace; it is ok with my soul.
    Just hold on, Holy Spirit Will Come through His Way. Action takes place in a form of Miracles.
DNA in Healing

Men is Created and made up with DNA. When there is an abnormality in the body, the DNA that controls the cells has been changed to make up the abnormality. For a Miracle to happen, it would take a process to reverse the abnormality which would have to be done at least at second level DNA. The DNA Miracle process starts at the deeper 3rd level DNA where there is no connection to the sinful natured flesh level. That is where the Miracle takes place and then it Materializes as a Miracle in the flesh. I have received 3rd level DNA Healing. Men cannot produce Miracles, but they can receive Miracles through the Miracle Blood of Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit’s Way. There is nothing men can do about deeper 3rd level DNA, but we can receive with our heart and receive Healing.

Dwelling Place Open Heaven Worship Center & Open Heaven RHEMA Application School