Awareness Curriculum

Open Heaven RHEMA Application Principles


  • Omnipotent and All Sovereign. (Revelation 19:6)
  • I Am Who I Am. (Exodus 3:14)
  • Demands all Glory.
  • No gods or sins before Me. (Exodus 20:3)

Lord Jesus:

  • It Is Finished. (John 19:30)
  • The Blood of Lord Jesus Paid it All.
  • Came to set the captive Free.

Holy Spirit:

  • Spirit of Truth, Helper, Teacher. (John 14:17)
  • Will Teach you all things, will Speak, Guide into all Truth, Reveal and Manifest. (John 14:26)
  • Desires to Live inside men and Live His Life through men.
  • Is individually personal and not corporate.

Because of this we are enabled and are supposed to:

  • Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, body, mind and strength. (Deuteronomy 6:5)
  • Drink Lord Jesus Miracle Blood and eat Lord Jesus Miracle Flesh (John 6:54) to receive God’s Life.
  • Receive and obey Holy Spirit Perspective, Holy Spirit Voice, Holy Spirit Implication.
  • Receive Peace that surpasses all understanding. (Philippians 4:7)
  • Receive Heaven’s Joy and Purpose.
  • Be Victorious and more than a Conqueror in all things.
  • Seek the Kingdom of God first. (Matthew 6:33)
  • Hear God and Receive Faith, Faith comes by Hearing, Hearing of the Word of God, Lord Jesus or Holy Spirit. (Romans 10:17)
  • See from God’s Perspective.
  • Be Transformed in God’s Presence.
  • Receive Provision from Holy Spirit and not by manipulating one another.
  • Take Dominion of Heavens Realm in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, Take it by Heavenly Force and Receive it.
  • Be still and Know that you Know that I Am God. (Psalm 46:10)
  • Walk behind Holy Spirit. (Isaiah 30:21)
  • Love others as we love ourselves, you want your spouse, your children, family members then all others to have a relationship with Christ from His Perspective as we do. (Matthew 22:39)
  • Bring down all imagination and strongholds. (2 Corinthians 10:5)
  • Have; you have not because you ask not for God’s Will and God’s Way. (James 4:2)
  • Die to self to Live in Christ to be able to Receive all of the above. (Luke 17:33)

Program Study

Open Heaven RHEMA Application School - Lord Jesus Said, “Because it has been Given to you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, … for whoever has, to him more will be Given and he will have abundance;” and “others fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold… He who has ears to hear, let him Hear.” (Matthew 13:11-12, 13:8-9).

The Open Heaven RHEMA School’s mission - is to receive Revelation of the Life of God on earth and receive Truth that sets you Free. It is to be Victorious and more than a Conqueror in all things, have Eternal Life and to reveal and bridge the gap between God and ‘our heart and mind awareness of God”. The relationship with God is in our heart and absolutely real. It is in our heart where we activate ‘the relationship’ with the Miracle Blood and Flesh of Lord Jesus, where we give God all Glory that He Demands, where we say “yes Lord Jesus” and it is through our heart that Holy Spirit Speaks into existence Living Miracles of Solutions for the present, Provision, Direction, Healing, Protection, Transformation for the future and Deliverance from the past.

Open Heaven RHEMA Application School – Open Heaven RHEMA application enlightenments are for anybody and everybody that wants to receive a deeper in-depth personal relationship with Holy Spirit through the Miracle Blood and Flesh of Lord Jesus, receive to hear the Voice of God and receive Miracles today. As Lord Jesus Said, “You are with me or against me.” “I AM in you and you are in Me,” and “he who Believes in Me (Knows Me), the Works that I Do he will do also; and greater Works than these he will do, because I Go to My Father.”

Open Heaven RHEMA Worship

Worship is our heart connection with God where Transformation takes place, and the Application School course schedule reserves a significant amount of time for worship. Lyrics are made personal and Victorious and reflect the Reality of the Blood of Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit Presence and Relationship with us.

Worship is our God Given tool to express our being towards Him and connect with Him.

It purifies us because of the Blood of Lord Jesus and lifts us into the realm where God Is and where He Reveals Himself to us.

Then our eyes come off of ourselves and we receive Transformation.

Open Heaven RHEMA Text Awareness

As you receive more in-depth reality of what Open Heaven RHEMA is, you will receive more Heaven Reality and Revelations in your life, in your situations and from the Bible.

You learn to apply the Open Heaven RHEMA Application principles in your life as you discover and receive your in-depth relationship with Holy Spirit while hearing His Voice and receiving to walk Victorious in Heaven on earth and in Miracles.

The following manuals are being presented for you to be Transformed deeper in Holy Spirit awareness, Holy Spirit Relationship and living in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Open Heaven RHEMA Application Manuals and Workbooks

Who Is God, Who Is Holy Spirit, Who Is Lord Jesus



Self Motivation - If you want change, you get change

Open Heaven RHEMA
Application Overview©

Open Heaven RHEMA
Application Manual©

Open Heaven RHEMA Application Manual Workbooks

Level 7:  Living from Heaven

Level 6:  Awareness and Knowing

Level 5:  Reality of Living Miracles

Level 4:  Heart Awareness

Level 3:  Inward Awareness

Open Heaven RHEMA Bible Individuals

People like you and i
Early Fathers
Moses, Israelites
Great Individuals
Gentile Times

New Testament – Open Heaven RHEMA Application Version

Gospel of Matthew –

Gospel of Mark –

Gospel of Luke –

Gospel of John –

Old Testament – Open Heaven RHEMA Application Version

Genesis - Ruth
I - God Leading His people

1 Samuel - Job
II - The time of the kings

Isaiah - Malachi
III – The Prophets

Description of Manuals and Workbooks:

Who Is God, Who Is Holy Spirit, Who Is Lord Jesus – An exciting adventure of Truth that sets you Free, taking you through Bible Scriptures of what God has Revealed to mankind about Himself.

Provision – Miracles of God Taking Care of His personal child

Faith – Knowing and Hearing God personally and walking out what God Spoke.

Self Motivation - If you want change, you get change – This booklet helps you focus your life on the Reality of Holy Spirit in your life.

Open Heaven RHEMA Application Overview© – This Overview walks you through the up-front principles found in the Open Heaven RHEMA Application Manual©.

Open Heaven RHEMA Application Manual© – This manual is the heart of Open Heaven RHEMA principles. You will receive more awareness of what RHEMA reality is in your life and in your situations and you will receive more Spiritual Revelation of the Bible. Explore different levels of Christ discipleship and get ready to go deeper, deeper, deeper into Holy Spirit’s Presence, the Power of the Blood of Lord Jesus and living in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth!

Open Heaven RHEMA Application Manual Workbooks (Level 7, 6, 5, 4, 3) - With the Awareness of RHEMA Reality, these workbooks will enlighten you into a deeper Holy Spirit relationship alongside the Open Heaven RHEMA Application Manual© and give you a deeper desire to embrace Open Heaven RHEMA Application reality. It focuses on Solutions for Deliverance from your past then present, Solutions for Protection, Direction, Provision and Healing, and Transformation for the future.
Notice that Levels start at Level 7 and go from the Throne of God, Heaven Eternal, that is Knowing in your being, down to lesser levels of earthly. The objective is to bring ourselves back to Level 7, clean up the other levels and be inspired to know Holy Spirit’s connection with us through the Miracle Blood and Flesh of Lord Jesus. Receive to see from God’s Perspective and be Transformed into being Victorious and more than a Conqueror in all things. Be ready to have your heart and spiritual mind Transformed as you become more aware of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and know you are walking in it.
You will experience to go in deeper, deeper and deeper and be Transformed into Jesus Saying, “I AM in you and you are in Me” and “he who Believes in Me (Knows Me), the Works that I Do he will do also; and greater Works than these he will do.”

Level 7, Living from Heaven, you know that you Know – Receiving Awareness and Knowing, into and from Heaven Eternal. Knowing of Lord Jesus’ Spiritual Realm into physical Miracles with the Result of being in God’s Perspectives -

Level 6, Awareness and Knowing, Embracing Heaven on earth – Awareness and Knowing it is LORD JESUS’ DOING, Faith is Holy Spirit Initiated then self-embraced. Knowing that you are walking in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and Receiving.
Level 5, Reality of Living Miracles –Yielding to God’s Speaking Words through you, ‘Seek My Heart and Face first and All other will be Given to you My Way’

Level 4, Heart Awareness, God Answers the heart –Know Holy Spirit’s connection with you through the Miracle Blood and Flesh of Lord Jesus.

Level 3, Inward Awareness, desiring to walk with Lord Jesus. How do I get out of the mess I got myself into – This is ‘believing’ that can only come from your mind, the mind must be Renewed and Transformed.

Open Heaven RHEMA Bible Individuals - These selected Scriptures are for you to be aware that the intimacy these individuals had with God in the past, we can and are having today and even greater. Be inspired to receive your own personal Revelations being a disciple of Christ. A Christ disciple does not have an earth assumption, earthly good works, physical opinion or judgement calls of the physical. Only yielding to Hearing Holy Spirit and Responding to God’s Perspective which is Living in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth with its Heaven Results. All other is just earthly existence and earthly receiving.

New Testament Gospels Open Heaven RHEMA Application Version - All of Lord Jesus Words in the Gospels for you to be inspired to receive your personal Revelations from the Lord, Transforming you into a disciple of Christ. It can not be an interpretation of the mind or assumption of the verse. It is Holy Spirit Revelation to you personally that Opens your Understanding to be a Christ disciple with your heart Knowing and receiving Miracles. Then you are being Transformed more and more to move deeper and deeper into the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Old Testament I, Genesis - Ruth Open Heaven RHEMA Application Version: God Leading His people

Old Testament II, 1 Samuel - Job Open Heaven RHEMA Application Version: The time of the kings

Old Testament III, Isaiah - Malachi Open Heaven RHEMA Application Version: The Prophets

These Old Testament scriptures contain verses where God has His Relationship with His people and God’s people with Him. They were selected for the purpose of being inspired to receive your own personal Revelations of the intention God had with His people and His Relationship with them that God Intended and Created from the beginning.

Since Lord Jesus Came to earth and Tore the veil that separated us from God, the road to be with God and for God to Be with us is OPEN!